Risk Management
When any problem occurs at sea such as an accident on the vessel or lost freight, the relative units are contacted and solutions are generated to resolve the problem.
Purpose of the Training Session
The purpose is to equip trainees with the following skills: Explain the notes recorded on the consignment
Determine whether or not the delay was due to error
Explain how "P&I" and "Hull and Machinery" insurance can be used for various types of damage
Explain the concept of claims
Discuss the responsibilities of the carrier in freight problems
Explain what must be done in the event of an accident at sea
Inform customers about instructions and orders that come from insurers and ship-owners during rescue, assistance and general average
Training Session Topics
Types of Sea Insurance
Responsibility of the Carrier During Cargo Problems and Actions to be Taken
Accidents at Sea
Rescue, Assistance and General Average
Length of the Training Session:
1 day