Sales and Marketing
This area is concerned with gaining new customers, maintaining existing customers and contacting ship-owners and other company departments to offer services and coordinate the loading and unloading of freight.
Purpose of the Training Session
The purpose is to equip trainees with the following skills: Describe the function of sales and marketing in container vessel agency services and explain concepts and information related to this function
Identify the parties involved in sales and marketing activities
Prepare shipping price quotes to a customer as part of the proposal and sales process
Analyze the job flow and operational process (import and export) as it relates to the sales and marketing department
Take into consideration the important aspects of managing customer relationships when dealing with customers
Fulfill all the requirements needed to ensure customer satisfaction
Training Session Topics
Sales and Marketing
Parties to the Sales and Marketing Process
Sales and Marketing Process
Customer Relations Management
Providing Price Quotes
Length of the Training Session:
1 day